Health Law – Fields of Competence:
- Pharmaceuticals law for corporate clients
- Medical devices law for corporate clients
- Pharmaceuticals law for healthcare providers
(e.g. physicians, pharmacists, hospitals)
- Manufacturing of pharmaceuticals - therapeutic privilege
- Clinical trials of pharmaceuticals
- Off-label use
- Generic substitution (aut idem)
- Medical devices law for healthcare providers
- Reprocessing of medical devices
- Central Sterile Supplies Department (CSSD), questions of hygiene
- Liability for medical malpractice
- Defense against accusations of medical malpractice
- Questions of patients' informed consent
- Defense against legal prosecution of physicians and other healthcare providers
- e.g. dentists, pharmacists, hospitals, medical supplies store
- e.g. accusations of bodily injury caused by negligence, negligent homicide, non-assistance of a person in danger, infringement of medical confidentiality, accusation of fraudulent invoicing
- Statutory Health Insurance (SHI) physicians law
- Licensure of SHI-physicians
- Purchasing/selling a medical practice
- Joint practices
- Questions of efficiency principle and prescription limits
- Defense against recourses
- Disciplinary proceedings
- License withdrawal
- Professional law of health professionals
- Licensure
- Professional law actions
- Contract design
- Physicians fee schedule/private liquidation/miscellaneous invoicing
- Hospital Law
- Risk management
- Medical Review Board of the SHI (MDK) assessments
- Reprocessing of medical devices/CSSD
- Head physicians contracts
- New forms of cooperation
- Pharmacy law